why do i thrust in my sleep

  The human body can do some really strange things. Some of those things are so strange, in fact, that most people have never heard of them. Take, for instance, sleep sensual activity. When it comes to rare manhood problems, this is definitely one of those at the top of the list. Men who are interested in their male organ health and good member care - both when awake and when asleep - should know about even the more obscure manhood problems they might encounter.

So what is sleep sensual activity?


It isn’t unusual for a man to get a little frisky in his sleep. Most men are aware of nocturnal seed release, which happen often when a guy is younger and tend to decrease in frequency as he becomes older and better able to control his sensual urges. A man might even reach down and play a little bit during his sleep, especially if he’s in the throes of a sensual dream.

But sleep sensual activity is quite different. Men who suffer from sensual insomnia, as it is often called, will engage in full self-pleasuring sessions while they are asleep. Similar to sleepwalking, a man will often go through the motions he usually does for self-gratification, including finding the lube in a drawer and using it, or even sitting or standing up to do the deed. As soon as he reaches release, he might lie right back down and continue sleeping, with no memory of the session when he wakes up.

Sometimes, a man will actually engaging in coupling with a partner while he is asleep. Though this is much rarer, it certainly does happen. If this happens, it’s with the partner right there in bed with him, or at least in the same home - however, there are some rare reports of men who have attempted coupling with people who are not their partner, and they are never aware of what they are doing. Obviously, this leads to some serious consequences.

How does sleep sensual activity happen?

Just like sleepwalking, sleep sensual activity happens without any input from the person who is engaging in the activity. They are fully asleep, with no knowledge of what is happening and often no memory of it when they wake up.

Scientists aren’t entirely sure what causes it, but they have identified some triggers that make it more likely for someone to engage in sleep sensual activity, or any sort of sleep activities, such as sleepwalking. Alcohol tends to be a triggering factor, as well as long-term sleep deprivation. However, the most common reason is sleep disruption: a person’s sleep is interrupted, but not enough to wake them up fully. The result is a dream-like state where they aren’t fully awake but aren’t in a deep sleep, either.

Fortunately, there are ways to combat sleep sensual activity and other related issues. Since sleep apnea is one of the top reasons for sleep disruption, the use of a CPAP machine at night can help keep someone in bed and away from episodes of sleep sensual activity. Some anti-anxiety tablets have also proven very helpful in keeping sleep sensual activity at bay. And for some, cognitive behavioral therapy might have some effect.

When a man is getting it on in his sleep, he might not pay attention to the best practices for member care, such as using adequate lube for solo play. That’s why he can benefit from a superior member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . This crème should contain Shea butter and vitamin E, the better to soothe sore and overworked skin. It should also contain L-carnitine, which helps fight the signs of peripheral nerve damage that can lead a man to a loss of member sensation, especially after a rough session of self-pleasuring during a long night. 


Weird and interesting facts about Japan - 13 Dec.


Illegal to make clone


Although it is not a regular thing to have a clone of yourself, but is against the law to experiment with human cloning in Japan, and it has been in place since 2001. If anybody is found breaking the rule, they will be sentenced to 10 years in prison or fined heavily. This law has been put into place to deter scientists from fiddling in human cloning research.

You can’t be fat

Sumo wrestlers of Japan are quite famous, but you would be surprised to know that there are hardly any obese people in the country, outside of sumo wrestling arena. Even though the Japanese have a well-balanced diet, that is not the only reason for their low obesity rates. Reportedly, as per the 2008 Metabo Law, the government monitors the waistline of those who turn 40 years old to ensure that you stay healthy. In fact, Japanese citizens between the age of 40 and 74 are supposed to have their waistlines measured annually.

People are hired to push people inside trains

Around 57 per cent people in Tokyo use public transportation, thereby creating massive commuter struggles. If records are to be believed, most of the railways operate at more than 100 per cent overcapacity. To tackle this situation, the city even hires ‘transit pushers’ to push people inside the trains during rush hour.

Vending machines that sell almost everything

Japan boasts of having the highest density of vending machines, with approximately around 5 million machines, or 1 machine for every 23 people. While the first machine that was set up in Japan to sell cigarettes, almost everything from magazines, flowers, full meals to condoms, umbrellas, and toilet papers can also be bought from these machines today. Japan’s fascination for automation is demonstrated in this vending machine culture, and almost every street features one vending machine at least.

Gambling is illegal

Gambling is illegal in Japan! There is, however, a game similar to gambling. Pachinko is the name of the disguised game, so it’s not officially gambling. One has to purchase tiny metal balls that are slotted into the machine. Balls that win are then exchanged for tokens and prizes, which are then exchanged for money.

Take power naps on the job

Yes, you heard that right! Taking naps in between work are encouraged, as they believe this improves workflow and speed. This also means that you are dedicated to your job and have worked long and hard for your job. Some people even fake it!

Shoes not allowed inside homes

It is considered rude to wear shoes inside a house. In fact, before entering a house, you will be given a pair of slippers, and asked to take off your shoes there. This Japanese custom became a thing back in the days when Japanese used to sit on the floor and eat, and didn’t want dirty shoes to ruin the spot where they were supposed to eat.

Penis festival

The Kanamara Matsuri festival that celebrates the penis and female fertility is held every year. It is celebrated in the Japanese city of Kawasaki on the first Sunday in April. During this time, almost everything, including vegetables, candy, and decorations are given the shape of the male reproductive organ or other things related to fertility.

Slurping noodles is considered polite

Slurping noodles in Japan is considered polite, as according to them, it displays appreciation for the food. So, the next time you go to a noodle restaurant in Japan, slurp and enjoy your noodles to the fullest.




Milan Tomic

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