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SUPA WOMAN: Supa Cent Has Tapped Into Her Superpower
The Crayon Case CEO and social media star has found confidence in her body and her being — and we’re here for it!
Chile, Supa Cent is busy-busy.
At 34, the New Orleans-native social media influencer turned entrepreneur has built a multi-million-dollar enterprise that includes the popular cosmetic line The Crayon Case, a hefty real estate portfolio (sis has eight properties!), co-ownership of a scooter business, and a social media empire—naturally.
She manages to juggle all of that with being a mother of two, a girlfriend, daughter, sister, bestie, auntie, some-time therapist (we love #AskSupa), and a low-key business advisor to the millions of men and women trying to follow in her successful footsteps.
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Needless to say, it took weeks of trying to pin down a date for a chat with her, and she almost canceled on me the day of our scheduled interview. Luckily, she made it work and she joined me via video chat — with the camera off. For a woman that shares so most of her life on-camera, chronicling her professional and personal highs and lows with and without makeup; I assume being off-camera is a much-needed break. But her keep-it-all-the-way-real energy anchored by that thick NOLA accent still managed to come through so strong. I heard growth. I felt it.
It was the voice of a woman who is happy (Less than 24-hours before our interview, she announced a new relationship on social media). It was the voice of a woman who seems to be leaning into her “grown woman energy.” That kind of energy that finds a woman feeling more confident in her being, her body, and her business.
Every messy, headline grabbing break-up that she’s left in the past, every personal hardship she’s overcome, and the medical scares she’s healed through have led her into her fully harnessing her supa power.
Blame it on her relatable energy, but people don’t play about Supa. There is a strong sense of care when it comes to her medical health and the bond she has with her friends and family. But that care becomes a heightened investment when it comes to her romantic life. The people really care.
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In July 2020, she engaged in a very public breakup and messy online back and forth with her then fiancé Louis “Lou” Leagea following allegations of him cheating and sexting with a teenage girl. This sent social media. How could this have happened? She seemed so happy. They seemed so happy. But nothing is what it seems, even when you’re exposing your personal life on social media.
How have you navigated your relationships as a social media celebrity?
Let’s back up. When I was 17, I met a guy Get ‘Em and he went to prison. [He was sentenced] to 17 years. Once I got popular on Instagram, I went back to him. I felt like I don’t want to deal with nobody, because I don’t know if they are sincere. You just don’t know who is really with you. That’s why I talked to Get ‘Em. His only thing was just don’t post no n***as [on social media] and try not to fall in love. I was fine with that.
[My son] Tre’s dad was actually my side n***a to [Get’Em] and he knew that. When Get ‘Em got locked up, he didn’t want to talk to me. When he did, I was three months pregnant [with Tre].
How long did you and Get’Em stay together?
Five years! He was the first man my followers knew about. They watched me go see him every week. I was on Periscope going to see him. I used to wake up at 3am and go get my makeup done [and] get my hair done the night before so, I could be cute. My followers watched me do this every weekend.
So that became normal to you?
Normal? Yes. It was extremely normal. It was normal because that’s what I told myself. He knew I wasn’t going to wait for him, but I was going to be there for him. I was going to talk to him. [There were] times he didn’t want to talk to me, and he wanted me to move on. When that time came, I would move on. But when I did, he came back and then I would want to talk to him.
That was the only relationship where I was mentally connected to someone. I felt like I would never in my life get over him because I felt was so mentally connected.
You would go back to him because he was safe?
He was my scapegoat [and] the person I knew I would always love. Something happened to him in prison, and it changed him so much…he turned into a whole different guy, and I didn’t like that guy. [Apparently] he took a mojo, and it f**ked with him mentally. We broke up in December of 2016. The next month I met Lou.
Damn, Supa! So, you met Lou?
I met Lou January 28, 2016. He hollered at me on Instagram and said he wanted to go on a date. I said cool, but we didn’t go on the date. I was lying about the date. I didn’t know if he was going to be consistent. He DM’d me like 10 times a day, asking me if we were still going on a date. I said [to myself] he must be serious. We became boyfriend and girlfriend after five dates. He had to grow on me. It lasted three years.

Everything is going well. You’re with Lou and you get pregnant with your daughter Lea. But soon after, you suffered from memory loss. Did that happen quickly or over time?
It happened very quickly. I didn’t know what happened. It ignited when I got pregnant with Lea. I lost 26 pounds while I was pregnant. My OBGYN said it’s not normal for you to lose this much weight when you’re pregnant. The baby was doing fine but I was not. She told me to see a neurologist. I didn’t go see one until I had a seizure on my anniversary.
What was happening with your body?
My pituitary glands weren’t sending signals to my adrenal glands. I wasn’t creating hormones. [The memory loss lasted] for a year. I would wake up wondering why I was in the hospital. I had to [relearn] who everybody was. That’s when the weight loss started. I lost over 100 pounds in three months. I had these EKG machines, MRI’s, CAT scans, and that’s when they told me I had epilepsy. A lot was going on. I almost died in February 2020. But it took me getting better to realize Lou was doing a lot of crazy sh*t.
Wait, what was he doing?
I felt like he tried to isolate me, so he could say he was the only one there for me. That’s evil. Why would you try to turn me against my people or make me feel like they don’t love me? What are your real motives? What are you trying to do to me? [One time when] I was being discharged from the hospital and Louis was going to get to the car, my cousin Kelly told me that I told her, “Whatever happens please make sure I do not marry Lou. Promise me y’all will make sure I don’t marry Lou.” I never remembered this happening. I knew I was supposed to leave him, but my heart wasn’t ready for it. We had a daughter. I wanted a two-parent home. I kept saying I’m going to leave when I know I’m never going to go back and that’s what happened in July.
Was that the situation with him and the teenage girl, right?
Yeah. I lost so much respect, and all feelings for Lou. There was nothing he could’ve done that would’ve made me even think about going back. When I was younger, I was molested by somebody that was older than me. It just triggered something in my mind. It [was] giving pedophile vibes. Even if that girl consented, she is too young. Lou about to be 36. She’s too young for you. So, it triggered me and made me feel like that’s gone always be you. That day, July 23, I knew for a fact that I wasn’t going back to Lou.
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Were you feeling embarrassed?
Girl, that was probably the biggest embarrassment I’ve had in my life. It’s different when a n***a embarrasses you. It hurts. Why would he f*ck up our family like this? I would’ve never had a baby, if I would’ve knew I wasn’t going to be with my child’s father. I dealt with [that before]. I didn’t want to deal with [that any] more. I didn’t want to have two kids and then have a split home. I didn’t want that.
So, you’re done with Lou, and soon after you start dating Sage The Gemini. But then that ended. Why y’all break up?
Girl, Sage is f**ked up, he’s not right in the head. Me and Sage had been friends for ten years. He always liked me, but I never took it seriously. Even though, I bro’ed the piss out of him, I always felt like he was an extremely handsome guy. [But I thought to myself] why he like me? What the f**k does he want to do with me? He was with Jordyn Sparks. She’s gorgeously beautiful. Why do he want me or whatever? I just never understood, but he never stopped trying.You weren’t secure with yourself?
I wasn’t secure at all. I was super skinny, and I didn’t like myself. In November, we got in a relationship. He came to the Dominican Republic with me in November when I got my breasts done. He stayed the whole surgery, and we came back to my house after. We were together the end of November and [all] of December. He went back home in January, [I went to visit him that same month] and then we broke up. He got mad because I posted that Silhouette Challenge. Sage is a great guy [but] he has to fix himself first. He’s very insecure. He used to make me take pictures down he didn’t like.
He used to make you take pictures down?!
He told me to take the picture I took with Meek (Mill) down. He told me, “I liked you when you were chubby.” [And] went through my phone for three hours. He wanted to see my phone, he wanted the password, he wanted to be on my Instagram. Not just looking for [guy’s] names, he wanted my friends’ names [too], so he [could] go through their messages. That’s just the type of n***a he was — Insecure!
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Well, are y’all still friends?
No, we are not friends because I really loved him. I really fell in love with Sage. Sage was so protective. He [wasn’t going to let anybody talk to me loudly]. He was also attentive, and he liked to talk. He could talk for hours. He was loving and he wanted to hug and kiss on me all day. But his bad qualities [overshadowed] his good qualities I’ll say that.
I feel like he got with me for marketing purposes. When I got with him, he put out a song. He was off the radar. People forgot he was a celebrity. If you really think about it, [he] wasn’t known no more. He hadn’t even reached a million followers [on social media]. People forgot about him. He just started being a good-looking n***a. He wasn’t even an artist anymore.
When I got with him, [he gained] 150K followers. Then, he put out a song. I feel like it was marketing. He never went public with no girl but Jordyn and me. Why me?
Whew, chile! Well, you recently posted a new boo Rayzor. Who is he?
I’ve been knowing him. I met him in 2019. He’s a big promoter. He’s more on my level than anybody I’ve ever dated.
How does that feel?
I can’t express how it feels. He’s self-sufficient. If I break up with him today, he’s not going to lose anything. He has houses. He owns a club. And he does these big ass concerts. I like the fact that he’s not well-known, but he’s still known for what he does. [He is also the] first guy in all my life that I liked as soon as I started talking to him. Lou [and] Sage had to grow on me.
When we first started dating, he was renting out restaurants, movies, and bowling alleys. He was renting out everything we did just for us and our friends to be there.
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You go from crazy situations with Get’Em, Lou and Sage, and now you’ve met someone who rents out whole establishments!?
I ain’t never had a n***a do that for me! I love how he listens. [We went to a restaurant, and they didn’t sell] the food and he made them go buy it and make it.
I caught a seizure in Cabo. When I got back, I had to stay inside for two weeks. I hadn’t seen my friends for weeks. He rented out a movie theatre and my friends were there. I like how he doesn’t disregard the feelings I have for my friends. I love how he’s not trying to keep me all to himself. We have a lot of private moments with just me and him. But he also includes my friends in things, and I love that.
Lou wasn’t doing that for me. [Yes, he would] bring a masseuse to my house [and] we’d have private dinners and all, but those was my people. [They] wouldn’t charge Lou because they knew I was going to promote it. To me that wasn’t love.
Basically, Lou was using your resources, but Rayzor is resourceful?
Exactly! [Lou was] using my connections and my resources. But I never told him [how I felt about it], but he wasn’t going out and spending his time finding people to do this for me. He was going through my event planner to do this for me. That’s why I’m so happy about Rayzor, he used his people. He used his own decorator, his own chef, and he didn’t use my assistant. He did this by himself.
What do you have to say about folks who say you move on too fast?
I feel like I ain’t doing nothing another b*tch ain’t doing, [the different is] they just don’t post it. All my friends do this–my aunties, and my cousins. I watch a lot of women do this, but my only wrong thing was I was posting them.
Do you feel like you now have a different energy about yourself?
Definitely!! I’m not dumbing down who I am for no n***a. [I could] walk in plenty of rooms and feel like a big ass boss. But [then I would go back to my man] and feel like his servant because I didn’t want him to feel like he was not good enough for me because I’m a big boss and he’s not. I told myself I ain’t doing that sh*t no more. I’m not ignoring no more red flags. Once I see the red flags, I’m dipping out.
Sounds like you have evolved. Are there any new things that interests you now?
Ooh! So many things. I started dressing different. My taste for fashion got up a little more. I wear purses now. I care about what I wear. I care about how my hair looks. I care about how I smell. I’ve never [owned so many bottles of] perfumes in my life. I don’t know what’s going on with me.
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Do you think you rest in your femininity a little more?
Yes! That’s the perfect way to say it. I enjoy my feminine side. When I was with Lou, I was matching Lou. I wasn’t no girl with Lou, I was his partner. I’ll always be a tomboy, but I’m also a woman. I want to showcase my womanhood.
You need your own show. Will we ever see you on reality TV?
Girl, I have been offered. They tried to make me do a storyline. I don’t want to do that. My life is hype enough. If you want to put me on reality TV, let me do my own storyline. They were trying to do a Love and Hip-Hop: New Orleans, and they wanted me to say I was in a relationship with this DJ, and I’d been with him for two years. But I got an old man. Man, f**k no. My thing is that I always told myself it doesn’t matter what I get, [I’ll] always stay true. If I’m going to change, [it will be a] change for good. [I’m not changing] because I want to look different or look like this person.
The post SUPA WOMAN: Supa Cent Has Tapped Into Her Superpower appeared first on The Shade Room.
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