Doctor Strange 2 banned in Saudi Arabia over LGBT character
This is the second superhero action movie in six months that will not be shown in the country. It is assumed that we are talking about America Chavez, a new character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, better known as Miss America. Chavez will join Doctor Strange as he travels across the multiverse. The orientation of Miss America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has not yet been revealed, "Doctor Strange 2" has not yet been shown to reviewers. But, apparently, according to The Hollywood Reporter, the censors are guided by comics where Chavez was a lesbian. Saudi Arabia has banned the release of Marvel's new comic book Doctor Strange 2: Into the Multiverse of Madness. According to the publication, this decision was made due to the presence of an LGBT character in the film. But, of course, we are talking about the superheroine America Chavez (Miss America). It is also reported that Qatar and Kuwait may introduce a similar ban. Earlier it became known that the poster for the Doctor Strange sequel was edited for Italian viewers because of the depicted gesture, which in the Mediterranean region can be mistaken for a "sign of a traitor." The world premiere of this tape will take place on May 5. According to the plot of the film, Stephen Strange, helping Peter Parker, violated the space-time continuum. So the magician turns to another superheroine of the Marvel Universe, Wanda, for help. Outside of Saudi Arabia, advance ticket sales for the film are not available in Kuwait and Qatar. However, whether local censors have banned the tape's distribution is not yet clear. As of April 22, tickets for the film were still on sale in the United Arab Emirates. Probably, the sequel to "Doctor Strange" was still allowed to be screened in the country. In November 2021, The Eternals was banned from screenings in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman - just a week before release. One of the reasons was the appearance in the picture of the scene of a homosexual kiss.
★★★ Janet Williams
😄 " Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to come. ..... "
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