EXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell’s Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter’s Absence Claims:hotNewz

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EXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell’s Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter’s Absence Claims

EXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell's Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter's Absence Claims

EXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell's Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter's Absence ClaimsEXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell's Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter's Absence Claims

Kel Mitchell still hasn’t publicly responded to his daughter’s recent claims of absence and abandonment. But court documents obtained by The Shade Room seemingly paint a different narrative of the actor’s parenting efforts.

As previously reported, Allure Mitchell recently alleged on TikTok that Kel prioritized his acting career over a relationship with her. She said that her father reminded her that he’s “not a normal dad” with a “9-5” and that the “phone works both ways” in previous conversations.

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In a follow-up caption, Allure detailed Mitchell’s alleged limited involvement in her life in the last decade. She said the actor is “the type of man to fake” being in her life but that he’s only been there financially–and to an extent.

According to her timeline, Mitchell exited her life when she was five years old and remained absent for ten years before reconnecting when she was 15.

Court Docs Detail Reunification Therapy Session Between Kel And His Kids In 2012

Now, court documents show Mitchell attended reunification therapy with his children, ex-wife Tyisha Hampton and therapist Susan Ralston in 2012. The former couple ended their relationship in 2005 after tying the knot in 1999.

2012 was allegedly the first time Kel Mitchell had seen his children, Allure and older brother Lyric, in six years. However, court docs say the father actively attempted to get visitation rights for several years after the split.

About three weeks after reunification therapy, in November 2012, Kel described the “emotional” session at a court hearing–according to court transcripts.

“Yes. It really was [emotional]. To not see them in six years and to finally be able to see them, and my son was…was upset, and he was hurt,” Kel told the judge. “My daughter was also as well. They would look straight out the window and not at me. And they said that we don’t want to see you, we have a father.”

Kel added:

“They seemed very rehearsed, though. And I told them that I’ve been trying to see them for years and without talking about their mother, telling them that I loved them, and my number’s here if you want to reach me. Here it is. And I’m here for you, and I love you, and you might not feel this way later.”

While in court in November 2012, Kel’s lawyer accused Hampton of doing “what she wants to do” without consequence, including missing court dates.

His lawyer told the judge:

“She’s not here today. We’ve been here several times where she doesn’t show up. She comes up with any excuse not to participate in the process.”


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The following year, in June 2013, Kel sent a message to fathers unable to be with their children due to marital or relationship issues. He spoke about his seven-year custody battle with Hampton, the reunification therapy session, and keeping his faith alive.

By June 2015, Mitchell gave an update on his visitation status with his children.

“I am happy to say right now, in the name of Jesus, I’m so happy right now to say that I’ve been seeing my children and my children are back in my life.”

He revealed that it had been “awesome…beautiful” seeing them “every week.”

Here’s What Kel Mitchell’s Daughter Alleged About Her Father’s Involvement In Her Life 

Despite Mitchell’s happy-go-lucky attitude in the 2015 video, Allure says his presence has been limited.

“He was there financially. What I mean by that is he only paid for what, in my eyes, looked good on paper. He helped pay for my first car, my high school tuition, and my housing on campus until I cut him off for exactly this.”

She added:

“I now live completely independently without any parental help. I did this to prove to my father that his money was never what I needed, and growing up [the] way I had to boggles me that’d [he] even think that’s what I care about. But then I have to remember he doesn’t even know me, how could he? He wasn’t there. A father should also be there emotionally. A father should be there for their daughters in need, a father should provide, a father should just simply care.”

Allure also claimed that she was homeless in college but that Kel made no attempt to open up his home to her. Instead, he got her a dorm on campus. And despite appreciating the gesture, Allure says what she needed was her father. She also alleged he refuses to get her medical insurance out of fear Hampton will use it.

Allure wrote:

“He lives in this delusional world that my mother is ‘out to get him.’ No, she’s out to get what’s owed to her. You owe my mother so much. While you got to live your greatest life for ten years without us, building your career, selling the house your ex-wife and your children were living in. The same house that was actually bought with the help of my grandparents. I had to experience unimaginable degrees of abuse due to this, I never really got the chance to just [be] a kid.”

In a series of additional videos, Allure also said she was the person “constantly” making the efforts and lengthy drives to visit her father.


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TSR social content producer Saràn Tarawaley reported this exclusive on our Instagram platform first. 

The post EXCLUSIVE: Court Docs Detail Kel Mitchell’s Attempts To Reconnect With His Kids Amid Daughter’s Absence Claims appeared first on The Shade Room.

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